08 Mar The company history
Since its foundation, the company Francesco Toffoli SpA has always gave importance to the innovation and the development of the team-skills. For many years, enthusiasm and professionalism have distinguished the company, which has always produces exclusive and quality products, working quickly and efficiently.
Over the years all these aspects have contributed to its continuous growth and prestige!
Francesco Toffoli SpA was founded in the 1960s as a small family-run company, which manufactured bird’s cages. After a few years, following the market trend, the company decided to change focus and started with the production of baskets and grids for the professional kitchens.
In the 1980s, thanks to the perseverance and the commitment of its founder Francesco, the company became a SpA (the italian version of LTD) and, in a short time, passed from a workforce of 20 collaborators to more than 50 specialized operators.

Between the 80s and the 90s the company’s has expanded more an more, reaching 90 employees in the 2000s.
The global economic crisis hit hard also Toffoli, which suffered a decline in turnover of about 30%, recovered little by little thanks to the perseverance and the commitment of all the employees.
In 2010, the management of the company passed from the founder Francesco to his son Alessandro Toffoli, who became the new CEO. In that period the company took a new path, repositioning in the market thanks to the proposal of unique and exclusive custom products.
The continuous evolution of the market and the growing attention to the quality standards, in fact, lead to the industrialization of complex and niche items and, clearly, to the improvement of the quality.
The pasta cooker baskets, the grids and the fryer baskets are only a part of what Toffoli can do. In fact, over the years, the type of products has increased more and more, reaching over 10’000 different types of customized articles.
Some of the main examples are: tray holders, fan protections, chargrill grids, dishwasher baskets, frames, drip holders, bag frames and many others.
The contact with the customer is essential for Toffoli SpA. In fact, dialogue and collaboration are essential to fully understand the customer’s needs and, when necessary, find or suggest alternative solutions adapt for the industrialization. We could say that the competence of the technical department and of the entire work group is at the complete service of the customers.
Since 2013 Toffoli S.p.A. has adopted a quality management system UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and an environmental management system UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, which are monitored with yearly audits.
After the enlargement made in 2018, the company now covers an area of about 16’500 square meters. This enlargement allowed the purchasing of new and advanced machinery, which have optimized the organization of the factory.
Toffoli S.p.A. gives a lot of importance to its collaborators and their eager to acquire experience, new skills and opportinities!
Mr. Toffoli says always:
“Work with ethics and passion: we are all apprentices in a profession where we never become masters. Even if … Those who have patience can get what they want! “